SFN AG is a spin-off of the Institute of Technology Management at the University of St. Gallen, based on extensive research and the book "Smart Factory Navigator." We translate innovative ideas and research insights into practical solutions. Through the Smart Factory Navigator platform, we enable effective networking in the realm of smart manufacturing for both industrial companies and solution providers.
Welcome to the Smart Factory Navigator website! My name is Adrian.
Adrian Rüedy
Welcome to the Smart Factory Navigator website! My name is Adrian.
How can we assist you?
I'm researching Smart Factory and digitization topics.
I'm looking for suitable use cases & processes for my company's challenges.
I need an assessment of my current use cases and processes in the company.
I'm searching for suitable solution providers for my requirements.
I'd like to learn more about the platform and the matching process.
Fantastic! The Smart Factory Navigator is your solution to identify the right use cases and processes.
Schedule a 30-minute video call now to discuss your use cases: Book Now
Fantastic! The Smart Factory Navigator is exactly what you need to identify the right solution providers.
Book a 30-minute video call now to identify potential solution providers: Book Now
Of course, I'm looking forward to telling you more about the platform! Let's schedule a personal conversation.
Book a 30-minute video call now: Book Now


Contact Information
Lerchenfeldstr. 3
9014 St. Gallen
Email: contact@sfn-ag.com

Authorized Representative(s)
Adrian Rüedy CEO
André Ziemke COB
Dr. Lukas Budde COO
Dr. Thomas Stöckel CTO

Commercial Register
Entry Registered Company Name:

Company Number (UID):

VAT Number:
CHE-458.215.206 MWST

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